Machu Travel Peru
world travel awards winner machu travel peru 2024

Luna Salada

★ ★ ★
25 km from Uyuni, Uyuni, Bolivia

The Luna Salada is the most elegant, sophisticated, and enchanting hotel in Uyuni salt flats. Its infrastructure is almost 90% salt and is decorated with warm and vibrant Andean colors that mix with rustic and fine looms, lacquered wood, bricks, and salt blocks. Each hotel window allows a panoramic view of the Uyuni salt flat and during the winter, the chimneys add greater warmth and charm to the place. For all these reasons, the Luna Salada is the best hiding place, in the middle of an immense salt desert, to disconnect from the world and start enjoying the simple things in life.


Luna Salada has 30 lovely rooms whose main element is the salt bricks with which their walls are made. In addition, the guest will appreciate the minimalist but enchanting decoration of each space. Also, services like electric blankets, hair dryers, hot water, central heating systems, private bathrooms, twin or king beds, and foam pillows are implemented in each room. Wi-Fi is an additional service with preview payment. 

Also, the hotel has its own restaurant called Tunupa. In which you will be able to taste the best of Bolivian cuisine accompanied by national wines and spectacular views of the salt flat from the dining room windows.  

Main amenities

  • 30 rooms
  • Wi-Fi (preview payment)
  • Private bathrooms
  • Electric blanket
  • Tunupa restaurant
  • Central heating system.
Luna Salada
★ ★ ★

Luna Salada

25 km from Uyuni, Uyuni, Bolivia